Thursday, March 29, 2007

Nicholson Loop

Spring is in the air. Today was crisp and clear. The forsythia was in bloom, and my riding buddies Dave and Kelly took me out for a whuppin'.

I'd heard them talk about the Nicholson Loop, but had never done the ride. I knew I was in for some hills since we were heading for Beulah Road right off. From there we had to climb up the part of Summers School Road that is just to the right of the photo at the very end of this post from just over a week ago. I probably mentioned there what an incredible descent that is. Well, what goes down, must go back up.

Just past Nicholson Chapel we turned onto the loop road and headed ... up. I thought they were kidding about that; I didn't think there was a whole lot more "up" to do without a helicopter. The forsythia with the lovely light on it was conveniently located for a nice break on the longest and steepest pitch. Once on "top" we had an exceptionally clear view. Dave says that the speck above the distant hills is the power station at Shinnston, nearly 30 miles away. Click for a bigger view.

We did eventually top out and head down Kingwood Pike where we easily stayed ahead of the cars for miles at a time. It's amazing how quickly that hard won elevation drops away. Down to Aaron's Creek Road and on to home. Well Kelly did throw in a short stinker of hill that handily topped 20 percent. Purely gratuitous.

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