This bike has helped me put off the inevitable for several years, but my wrists won't take much time on a road bike anymore.
This is a prototype Rivendell Rambouillet, 60cm, #RB0002. "Always Willing. Ever Able", says so right on the head badge. It's a fast, comfortable road bike that will go about anywhere.
So how do I replace that bike with a recumbent?
Here's some more about the Rambouillet prototypes for anyone who's curious. I think there were 5 prototypes (mine is number 2). The prototypes are very much like the production models. The taper of the seat/chain stays is different, and the forks are slightly different. Geometry and tubing gauges are the same. AFAICR the colors were Butterscotch (mine), Beeswax, and an orange similar to the first production models. The paint was done by Joe Bell. I think mine showed up in a couple of Rivendell Readers, but I think the numbers were mixed up in some of those Readers. Here's a beeswax prototype on loan to Henry Kingman that was featured in the Reader. At one time there was a detailed web page on the Riv site about these bikes. I thought I'd copied the text, but can't find it. I'd love to hear about it if anyone can turn it up.

BTW, that picture of the Rambouillet was sadly not taken today. Here's today. The white thing in the middle is Deckers Creek. The white thing toward the right is Deckers Creek rail trail. The picture isn't black and white, but the day was. The Rambou pictures was taken about 12 miles upstream at Cascade. The riding was considerably better that day.
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